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Not your Gramma's Creole

No other Creole Engine can do half of what JCreole does automatically and controlled with fine-grained privileges: table of contents, definition lists (incl. glossaries), footnotes, document index, section enumeration, author-coded pop-up messages.

What is JCreole?

JCreole is a very powerful Wikitext markup engine and library. It starts with the Creole specification and wipes out the limitations of Creole— most importantly it adds the ability for page authors to style their own work... all with the addition of about 5 simple directives, all of the format "<<something>>".

JCreole has tons of easy-to-use features. Unfortunately, I dedicate tons of time developing JCreole itself, and do not give top priority to making this demo site attractive. The goal here is to provide full documentation and working samples for JCreole.

Why do you provide no WYSIWYG editor?

I could make a WYSIWYG editor at some point, but it is low priority since a WYSIWYG editor would eliminate all benefits of wikitext for the end user. When a WYSIWYG editor is used, it becomes entirely irrelevant whether wikitext is even used behind the scenes. I spent the time to make this wikitext engine because writing documents with wikitext is much more efficient than using a WYSIWYG editor. It is much more efficient, for example, to type "__xy__" than to type "xy" then use mouse gestures to select "xy" and click a tool bar item or context menu to italicize the selection. If you want to satisfy users who want things to be as easy as possible to learn, without concern about editing time or efficiency, then forget wikitext and just use a WYSIWYG editor like CKEditor.

Where can I find a real wiki that uses the JCreole engine?

As of today... nowhere. If you are a developer, then you are welcome to use JCreole in your own wiki. If I were a developer for an existing Java-centric wiki, I'd start converting over to JCreole today. I am working on my own open source wiki, but without funding it may never get done.

You can

You are welcome to email me, Blaine, the author of JCreole, at blaine (dot) simpson (at) admc (dot) com. To thwart spam, in your email client you will need to change the dot and at tokens to the corresponding characters. When I get my Wiki finished and a JCreole support page up, I'll put a link to it here. Until then, please email me about problems with JCreole or with this web site, or if you would like to employ me to integrate JCreole with your application or for your organization.

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